Product Updates [April 2023]
We’ve added a few new features to Hero Schedule and wanted to give you a quick update. The fourth one has been highly requested!
Ability to create multiple Open Shifts

When you create an Open Shift, you now have the option of creating multiple shifts with one entry.
Select dates for Accrual Account Frequency

Selecting accrual account date
Selecting accrual account frequency
Each accrual account can be set up to accrue hours on specified times.
- Each period (each pay period)
- First period of the month
- On employee anniversary
- First period of the year
- On specific date (NEW!)
With this update, we’ve added in the ability to select a date, or dates to accrue hours.
If your agency needs assistance with setting this up, just let us know!
Pending overtime request are now yellow
We’ve added in the coloring for pending Overtime requests. Once the Overtime request is approved, the color returns to the normal white/gray color. This should help supervisors see any unapproved requests at a glance.
Approve Time Off/Overtime on the Main Schedule View
This may be the biggest update of the decade for Hero Schedule. We’ve added the ability for supervisors to approve Time Off and Overtime requests right on the main screen.
Reach out with any question at all or if you need our help setting up anything.
Eric is the co-founder and Sales Director of Hero Schedule, managing sales, customer support, and relationship development with first responder agencies all over the United States.
Eric is the co-founder and Sales Director of Hero Schedule, managing sales, customer support, and relationship development with first responder agencies all over the United States.
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