Overtime Management

Hero Schedule / Shift Scheduling / Overtime Management

Managing the overtime of your agency can be a juggling act. We will help make sense of your agency's overtime with our logic-driven, rules-based software that does the heavy lifting for you.

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Overtime requests

Employees, supervisors and administrators can enter overtime requests. This is done by clicking Add Overtime Request.

The overtime request allows you to enter a time span, overtime category, accrual account, activity, and notes. The callback checkbox can be selected for two hours callback.

Requests can be withdrawn at any time.

Overtime approval

Approve Requests area

The dedicated tab on the Approve Requests screen allows you to approve all overtime requests in one place.

Requests can be approved or rejected by supervisors. When you reject a request, it will prompt you to add an optional note on why the request was rejected.

Main Schedule area

Approvals can also be done in the Main Schedule View by clicking on the day cell. Supervisors simply approve or edit the overtime request.

Pending requests will be displayed with a yellow background on the Main Schedule View.

View overtime reports

Overtime hours and costs to your agency can be viewed in Overtime Reports. Select a date range, select cost/hours/cost+hours, and grouping. You can display the report on your web browser, or download a spreadsheet.

The power of overtime categories

The overtime categories in Hero Schedule allow you to keep your overtime organized because of the rules set in place. The rules allow you to specify which accrual account is being used, whether an activity is required or not, and other related settings.

These rules, categories, and activities can be customized for your agency. We will help you set this up.

Types of overtime categories

These are all customized according to your agency rules, but some standard categories include:

  • Administrative
  • Extra Duty
  • General Overtime
  • Training
  • Reports

Each one of these categories has a predefined compensation rule when it is selected in the overtime approval area by an employee.

Accrual accounts keep track of accrued overtime

Accrual accounts such as vacation, sick, comp time, personal time and overtime are used to track employee hour balances.

Specifically with overtime accounts, you are able to track and manage extra hours worked so employees are correctly compensated.

The settings in the overtime setup allow you to adjust our system to your employee policy.